Calling all nail addicts! Been feeling a bit left out of the Mizzworthy/ Illamasqua Alter Ego make-up competitions? Fancy showing us your nail alter ego and be in with the chance of having your work seen by top nail artist Sophy Robson?
Then start getting your ideas together to win some fabulous Illamasqua Nail Varnishes that the Nail World has been going crazy for...
FEAR NOT if you have untidy cuticles or a slightly wonky hand [like me!] as this competition is being judged on creativity and artistic flair as opposed to technique and professionalism.
So How Do You Win?
Sophy and I want to see inspired and creative works that reveal your alter ego - either through your hand nails or toe nails [or both!] and with a brief introduction to yourself and why this look is your alter ego! For example, are you normally a pretty-in-pink princess?! How about unleashing your inner vixen with black and blood red talons?
1. To enter, go to the Illamasqua Blog and post the entries in the comments section of the competition page [top right of blog page] with a link to entry. Entries can be submitted in video format on Youtube or can be a blog post, or just a link to the image with some details as to what you used and what your inspirations were. Alternatively, email me directly [please put Nail Art Entry into the subject] at info@illamasqua.com and I will put together a blog post of all entries that I receive through email.
2. The edgier, the more unique and the more creative and adventurous the better! Let us know the inspiration behind the look, too!
3. You don’t have to use Illamasqua products for this competition – but please list what you do use – this can include konad stamps or any other product you may have at your disposal.
4. The competition is open internationally.
5. Entries can use nails on their hands, feet or both.
6. You can enter a maximum of three different looks for this competition.
7. The competition will run from Thursday 13th August 2009 to the 6th September 2009 [midday UK time] so plenty of time to get your thinking caps on!
8. There will be a short list compiled on the 6th September and these will be shown on the blog on the 7th September. Sophy Robson will then choose a winner that will be detailed on the blog by the 16th September.
9. The winners will be notified and the winning looks will appear on the Illamasqua website and blog. Prizes will be sent out within the week to all winning
What Are The Prizes?
As well as getting world renowned nail artist Sophy Robson to view and assess your work, you could win...
1st Prize of the two brand new Autumn Winter collection nail varnishes + choice of two others from core range...
Two runners up win the 2nd Prize of choice of three varnishes from core range...
When Can I Enter?
From now until the 6th September! The winners will be announced on the 17th September, so plenty of time to unleash your alter ego and get entering!