I would like to make the statement that I am not a follower of fashion in the literal sense that I am overtly influenced by the designers of Paris/Milan/London and New York in the clothes choices that I make for myself. I believe in being true to yourself and adopting your own personal style. I do, however, make time a couple of times a year to see what [via vogue.co.uk and style.com] the designers are sending down the catwalks - I live with a fashion buyer and a very fashion conscious latina, so it's always a fun thing to pour over the latest collections and predict the trends that we think will be all over the high street in the following months.
As you may be aware, the Fashion Weeks are limbering up and so far, so pretty uneventful - although I did spot this rather fabulous image courtesy of the DSquared2 show in Milan last night.

Bill Kaulitz from German band Tokio Hotel sashayed down the run way looking every inch the flamboyant style icon. I love his attitude, his fierce sense of individuality ... and his make-up of course!