I have seen some wonderfully inspired entries from the colour of the Miami skuline at night, a melon sorbet that an entrant took a photo of when on holiday in the Maldives [jealous...], a deep sea fish scales, the gleaming ruby of a brand new engagement ring [congrats to that person!] to the purple rinse of someone's granny...!
So would you like to know how to get involved with this really exciting project, then read on! The competition is global so whether you are based in London or Lisbon, Manchester or Mumbai, Canada or Canary Islands - get your thinking caps on and you could be in with the chance to make your dream colour a reality... perhaps it will grace the pages of Vogue, be seen on the nails of a celebrity, become a best selling Nail Varnish adored by the best and biggest blogs...

The Concept
We are asking finger fetishists the world over to submit a description of their dream Nail Varnish colour for their chance to make it a reality...
Run in conjunction with luxury retailer Selfridges, this incredible competition is giving Nail Varnish fans the world over the opportunity to push their imaginative boundaries further than ever before and design their very own perfect shade.
How to Enter
Entrants must explain in no more than 50 words what inspired their unique choice, and provide an image or photograph to illustrate their big idea.
The Prize
Two winners will see their dream colour created and sold exclusively at Illamasqua.com and Selfridges in London, Manchester Trafford and Birmingham Bullring from October 2010. In addition, they'll receive a bottle of their winning colour before anyone else!
The Judges
The winning entries will be selected by a high-profile judging panel consisting of legendary make-up artist and Creative Director of Illamasqua, Alex Box, nail artist to the stars Sophy Robson, Selfridges Beauty and Menswear Director David Walker-Smith and Youtube sensations Pixiwoo!
The Rules
In 50 words of less submit a description of your dream colours and the thinking behind it - please include pictures to illustrate your inspiration if possible. This can be any image, not neccessarily taken by you! If you don't have copyright, don't worry - it will only be seen by us!
Entries must be submitted by 14th March 2010. You can enter in one of the following three ways:
via email - competition@illamasqua.com
via blog post - email the link to competition@illamasqua.com
via mail -
Nail Competition
c/o Illamasqua
6-8 Amwell St
Good luck! Only one entry per person - competition open to entrants globally.
So... what would MY entry be?
I absolutely love art and painting - you are as likely to catch me in the National Gallery as anywhere else - and my favourite painting ever is by George Stubbs; a painting of a racehorse called Whistlejacket. It is very dear to my heart as I painted it for my A Level art course, so I would choose the gorgeous flaxen tail colour of the painting for my dream Nail Varnish colour! That cross between golden chestnut with a pearl finish I think would make a great Nail Varnish...