Alex Box will be presenting an exclusive Masterclass at Selfridges Trafford Centre following on from the success of last year's event.
There will be two sessions on Monday 15th March that will allow you to witness the creative genius of Alex.
4-5:30 pm - Night-time Divas
How to release your alter-ego at night? How can you master those all important false eye lashes, a perfect cupids bow and what are the tools that you will need? Alex will cover all this and more.
6:30-8 pm - Dare To Be Different
Perfect for those who want to push the boundaries of artistic make-up and learn top secrets on contouring, highlighting, strong brows, intense colour blending and more.
There will also time to ask her any questions you may have...What has been the highlight of her career so far?
What advice can she give to aspiring make-up artists?
What are her greatest influences?
What does she do to relax?

Anyone who knows her will tell you that there is no one more dedicated to their craft, more passionate about make-up and more excited about the success of Illamasqua than Alex Box.
Tickets are £25 redeemable against product purchases. Call the Trafford counter on 0161 629 1187 for more information or to book your place. 
Perfect excuse to post my fave picture of the moment, too! This is Alex's work for Italian Vogue.