Illamasqua’s Powder Eye Shadow in 'Wolf', a fabulous pigment easy to blend into the hair line.
I also used Illamasqua’s Brow & Lash Gel by painting it onto individual hair for control. The hair stayed matt on screen without drying out and washed out easily.
When attaching a wig, the actors natural hair can be different colours and sometimes this can be a problem [close ups lighting etc.] So, before the wig is place sometimes I would brush Powder Eye Shadow mixed with Sealing Gel and paint. This would then be left to dry matt and perfect -you would never know!
The Angled Eye Liner brush for creating soft gentle hair like licks with Powder Eye Shadow.
Eye Shadow Brush - used with alcohol to remove glue from wig lash - is gentle and does not effect the wig lace. So many tricks I used with the brushes but the best was when I cut hair I use the new Kabuki brush to clear away hair on actors neck and you could hear them purring in the chair!"
I also bugged her for backstage photos but alas! the film was clouded in such secrecy that no cameras or phones were allowed on set to stop any details potentially leaking. You have to be impressed of these days of twitter, facebook, youtube and gossip sites that the film was released with only the mind-bending trailer [click here to watch] to whet the appetite.