Over 168,000 people turned up to help celebrate over the weekend and the total footfall for Saturday was up 18% compared with it's first birthday! Cabot Circus also raised more than £8,800 for Breast Cancer Care through the sale of the Ultimate Fashion Weekender goodie bags!!! That is just amazing and very inspirational - I have recently got involved with organising a show - but more revealed about that at a later date...

James Baily, the Center Manager said - "We are delighted with the excellent turn out from our shoppers who turned up on their droves to help us celebrate our second birthday in style. It was a fantastic weekend thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part. It was especially great to see the interest in Cabot Circus has continued to grow two years on."

If you did manage to go please share your stories? What hot fashion trends are hitting Bristol?
Best Wishes
Fashion Fantasist xx