Such an amazing event definitely needs two parts!
After a hectic set-up [Jonathan is still getting over it!] we set the scene in the Exhibition Room at Selfridges inky black table cloths, black chairs and white lillies with a place setting for each guest complete with canapes and Champagne.

We recreated the counter on two tables and with the majority of our products now in stock, it made for some impressive photos...

We had two make-up artists per table and so that made one artist per two guests. Below is Mika meeting Talita. Talita has written a great review of the night, so if you want to read someone elses view on the night,
click here.After a few minutes of getting-to-know-you, Alex Box picked up the brush and began working on her model namely: me. Sitting in front of 20+ people with no make-up on my face is something that only tends to occur in my deepest, darkest nightmares so this began as a slightly uncomfortable experience, however when you have a make-up artist legend creating a look on you, you learn to relax pretty quickly!

Alex started at the beginning, discussing tips and tricks of the trade when it came to applying primers and a base. After a few minutes of demonstration, she asked the artists at the tables to demonstrate how best to apply the base on to the skin of their clients. Of course, everyone is different and this was all about a tailored approach.

After creating a suitable base on one half of the guests faces, the guests then applied the make-up for the other half taking on board both the artists and Alex Box's advice. Once everyone had their bases done, Alex began to discuss contouring, highlighting and colour suitable for the face.

After everyone had created the look the wanted, with the help and encouragement of their artists [and with the 4th bottle of champagne readily flowing...] Alex moved on to the use of colour on the eyes. She created an extreme look on me and it was up to the individual guests on how far they pushed their own boundaries!

Above and below is Helen [whose personal style I absolutely ADORE by the way...] and her two guests.

After this it was all systems go as everyone started to go a bit wild with the colour and create some fabulous and original looks - it was great to see how everyones personalities translated through their make-up. To me, this is what make-up is all about.