It just wouldn't be possible to come up with a job description for my role at Illamasqua.
I am currently looking like Jill Masterson in Goldfinger. Want to know why? Well, it goes something like this...
Alex and Katie alone in office working on various tasks.
Phone rings. It's our PR agency. Top fashion magazine wants to shoot Liquid Metal 'Solstice' for up coming feature. Deadline 6pm. Alex looks at clock. 5:20pm. This could be tight, thinks Alex.
Alex rummages around Press samples -No Solstice.
Alex rummages around product development samples - No Solstice.
Alex rummages around desk [you never know...] - No Solstice.
Panic. Quick, think.. Artist kit! Solstice... with large finger dents. Covered in Pure Pigment.
Katie gets tweezers and picks out pigment particles. Great, but still lumpy.
Katie suddenly remembers there is a hairdryer in the meeting room... Worth a shot. Hold hairdryer over Solstice until it begins to melt [which makes it looks incredible, by the way!] and suddenly it looks like new. New problem - it's now bloomin' liquid.
Katie points out that we have a fridge. Solstice goes into fridge until three minutes to 6. Nicely solid, looking like new. 30 seconds later courier rings doorbell. Alex drops off Solstice to courier.
Disaster averted. Smug looks exchanged between Katie and Alex.
The End.
OK - so it wouldn't have been the end of the world, but it's just been one of those days where that little sense of achievement goes a long way :-)