Hi Everyone! Hope you had a nice weekend! I'm in a great mood today as it is nearly London Fashion Week and I'm really excited to see what all the designers are up to for Spring Summer 2010 - which means the noughties are nearly over! ['noughties'
still sounds weird doesn't it...]
Sophy Robson popped in last week and we went through all of the Nail Art Competition entries to pick out some winners. Thanks to everyone - it was very difficult to pick our finalists, but we have and here they are...
First up is Sasa, who has entered this
fabulous corsetry entry. She says "I just LOVE corsets. They look and feel so good. I guess I was a victorian lolita in my previous life." Sophy thought this look was very inspired and well executed. I think a victorian lolita is a great alter ego!

Next we have the
hungry asian's entry. Sophy loved this because "pointed nails are where it's at for this season." I think the design is beautiful. "I call this the stiletto optical illusion. I am a quiet and shy person. I am the epitome of fufu girly: pink, bows, anything pastel, cute puppies, you name it. I don't like to wear dark eye makeup (maybe I don't know how to put it on, yeah!), I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt. My alter ego would be bold, loud and striking! She would wear 6 inch stilettos and a mini skirt." Sounds fab.

I really loved this
entry from Myriam - beautiful colour combination and texture blend. I think the image that inspired it is also lovely.

Next we have
Helen's entry from the fabulous nail blog helensheenie.wordpress. Helen says, "By day, your average office worker. By night – Wonderwoman!" Sophy and I loved the inspiration behind it and Sophy was very impressed with the execution - it was all done freehand! Fabulous design, Helen.

Following on from Wonderwoman, we have
Punk Rock girl! "Sleeping all day, drinking all night, spitting on the floor and making loud and wild music." That is Polish Lounge's Punk Rock alter ego. Loungie gave us three entries, but we loved this one the most. Sophy thought it was very inspired and original and I just love tartan!

Next we have
Happyberrynaiad's pole dancing alter ego entry! This is just beautifully executed and we loved the representational ideas behind it all. "The black line down te middle represents the beloved pole. I've tried to indicate movement by 'drawing out' some of the black. The red and white lines depict the dancer's movements. The dots are the audience." I think it looks quite japanese inspired. Very pretty.

adored this next entry from Chinda-Chan as she is a big cappucino fan! I was really inspired by the texture of this design and the unusual colour combinations to create the cappucino look! Chinda-Chan tells us: "I'm inspired by Coffee because I would not make one day without!". I hear that!

Next up we have this
Naughty/Nice entry from original wacky. I was really excited by this entry as the nails were different on each hand yet the execution was spot-on. Sophy loved the inspiration, the style and the mixture of textures and colours. "By day, I am a nice person, who enjoys spending time with family, and volunteering for an animal rescue. By night, I'd like to think I turn into a hedonistic woman who demands fun at all costs." Sounds like my kinda woman!

We both also agreed
that Lacquerlaine's Gunslinger had the perfect mix of humour and uniqueness. We were also suprised to see that this was one of only a small number of entries that utilised matt polish, which I thought was meant to be TNBT [the next big thing...] in the nail world! I also love her take on the Illamasqua Alter Ego poem that she put on to her blog:
My Alter Ego is the person I want to become.
She is a braver, gunslinging version of me.
She doesn't hold back.
She loads, cocks and fires.

We both also loved the textural mix of Holly's entry. The gorgeous matt black swirl over the glitter base looked beautiful. Holly tells us how she unleashed her inner Van Gogh, " was thinking about the famous painting "Starry Starry Night" when I created this design." Sophy and I both thought it extremely artistic!

Thanks to everyone who entered, we really appreciate saying all your work! We will host another competition before Christmas.
The finalists will be posted this coming Thursday 17th September!