Oh my goodness, is style.com just the best website ever for fashion?! All the looks get uploaded so quickly it's unbelievable! Anyway, I stumbled across the Doo.Ri show, who I have never heard of before, but this dress has my name written all over it. Actually, if that was true, my bank manager would chase me out the country... but I'm smitten all the same.

I love the make-up, too. Chiselled cheekbones give a nod to the trend of everything 80s and the purple lips give it a very cool, individual twist.

I'm not a big fan of winter - no more throwing-on-a-sundress and sunglasses moments, we now have to *gasp* layer...! - and I hate the rainy days and leaving my house in the morning [and it's dark] and leaving the office at night [and it's dark] and having to take an umbrella on nights out... you get my drift. However, the one thing I love about this season? More excuses to turn the make-up a notch! Dark, thick brows and smoky gothic colours are what winter is all about.

I would use Lipstick in 'Fetish' for this look and for the gorgeous, statement brows I would try mixing a drop of Sealing Gel with Eyebrow Cake in 'Vehement'.