I came across this particular illustrator on Amelia's Magazine blog and was immediately drawn in by their beauty. Ross McEwan has a wonderful unique style that I would like to share with you.
My favourite is 'Happy Pretty Girl Dreams Of The Big City' where a girls face in profile has hair piled on top of her head mingled in with iconic buildings from London. I think she is lovely!

'I guess my inspiration comes from celebrity culture, I like to narrate the images relating to stories I hear and a lot the time, the dumb crimes they commit. I use a lot of personal experiences also. There is a reoccurring person involved with the drawings, but I choose not to name he/she :)
For references of the models I usually have an idea of what I want and then search through books and magazines until I find the right pose to manipulate.'

I hope you have enjoyed Ross' work and check out his website.
Fashion Fantasist xxx