The Final Act of Self-Expression: The Fallout

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Even if you don't regularly read the Illamasqua blog or visit our social media sites [and if not why not? Visit us at Facebook and Twitter for up to the moment news, views and sneaky peaks in to life at Illamasqua HQ!] you will probably have heard the buzz of debate around our Final Act service.

Even though the service is only available in the UK, the news has spread like wildfire across the globe and has had coverage everywhere from the UK's newspapers such as Telegraph, The Sun, 
The Daily Mail, to onlines such as Vogue, British Beauty Blogger [love the debate there!] Karl Is My Unkle, Stylist and a great piece in Sunday Times Style [see below] to across the pond publications such as JezebelAllure and The Stir to the Albuquerque express and the mighty Fox News and Huffington Post.

Australia has also picked up the scent and gone wild with coverage - The West Australian, Marie Claire, and Bella Sugar have all excitedly covered the story whilst Canada too has picked up the story - The Toronto Star for one!

Germany's D News had something to say as did Brazilian Vogue.

Even Asia has seen interest in the story - Newstrack India and the Arabic website The National.

And of course, the many many blog posts around the world celebrating the Final Act of Self-Expression.

Of course, this service isn't for everyone - and there is plenty of debate on the World Wide Web! - but I had some great feedback from some of you and I wanted to share one [who shall remain anonymous] below...

"Not long ago my father passed away. The funeral home services that my mother wished to use, left me feeling less than happy with the 'final preparations', and I even went so far as to letting them know that if they didn't do a natural looking job on my dad, that I would intervene (I don't think I would have gone through with it....just wanted to make a point).  But it made me think that other than your wedding day, being laid out is the only other time so many people look at you and you most likely want to be remembered looking your best, wouldn't you say?!  So, hats off to you guys for once more leading the pack and coming up with something so innovative!"